Our Learning over the last five years have given us insight into how the STM starts a wave of change in transformation of the region. Here are things that we have seen happen:led to the refinement and clarity in the small town model, bring with it a wave of change

1. Real estate - Class A facilities are not very common and both the construction and/or upgrade of newer facilities bring a new building frame of reference to the Smart Towns

2. SMEs - start operations around the facilities offering services ranging from hospitality to PC/Mobile repair, to sporting goods etc.

3. Universities and Educational Institutions - partnerships with educational institutions and exposing them to the expectations of the industry, which in turn provide opportunities like earn while you learn, internships and work -study

4. Skilling Partners - Skilling establishments focused on technology and soft-skills setup operations in the smart town

5.Office complex - The facilities become hub of economic activity beyond the I2I office